ARISTO Steampunk kártya, 1 csomag
5 990 Ft

ARISTO Steampunk kártya, 1 csomag

Gyártó: The United States Playing Card Company The United States Playing Card Company
Átlagos értékelés: Nem értékelt
Cikkszám: G9691
Elérhetőség: Átmenetileg nem beszerezhető
Legolcsóbb szállítási díj:
(ha csak ezt a terméket rendeli)
1 290 Ft
Kívánságlistára teszem
5 990 Ft

Villámgyors szállítás

Raktáron levő termékeinket a következő munkanapon feladjuk, így 2 napon belül Önnél a csomag!
Óriási raktárkészlet

Óriási raktárkészlet

Több, mint 300 féle Bicycle, és egyéb tipusú kártya folyamatosan raktáron!
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Segítünk ha elakadt

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Leírás és Paraméterek

ARISTO STEAMPUNK PLAYING CARDS is a deck of playing cards with 54 STEAMPUNK themed retro-futuristic hand-drawings! We've put together some awesome ideas of steampunk in art and playing cards, that really epitomize its incredible style. A real thing of exclusive artwork. Our desire was to create something a bit more rare, giving cardists something more meaningful.

The concept of this deck is to present steampunk in a completely imaginary realm coexisting with steam-era and other anachronistic technologies.

The Court cards follow the characters in steampunk outfits with heavy gun, bowler hat, goggle and military-inspired garments that have been anticipated by mainstream high fashion, the Lolita and Aristocrat styles.

The unique feature of this deck is its one-of-a-kind fantasy story style and highly complicated and advanced hand drawing. We wanted to add this touch for enthusiasts, collectors, cardists, and of course illusionists.

ARISTO STEAMPUNK PLAYING CARDS is printed by USPCC with their outstanding papers, superb inks and exceptional finishes. We know that their decks are the highest possible quality.

Deck features:
  • 52 cards + 2 Jokers
  • Poker size
  • Artwork on both sides of the card
  • Printed by USPCC
  • Air-cushion finish
  • Traditional cut
  • 100% completely custom designed cards, including art, pips, royalty, backs, etc.
  • Everything was drawn by hand


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