Bicycle Bionic kártya, 1 csomag
4 990 Ft

Bicycle Bionic kártya, 1 csomag

Gyártó: The United States Playing Card Company The United States Playing Card Company
Átlagos értékelés: Nem értékelt
Cikkszám: G9653
Elérhetőség: Átmenetileg nem beszerezhető
Legolcsóbb szállítási díj:
(ha csak ezt a terméket rendeli)
1 290 Ft
Kívánságlistára teszem
4 990 Ft

Villámgyors szállítás

Raktáron levő termékeinket a következő munkanapon feladjuk, így 2 napon belül Önnél a csomag!
Óriási raktárkészlet

Óriási raktárkészlet

Több, mint 300 féle Bicycle, és egyéb tipusú kártya folyamatosan raktáron!
Segítünk ha elakadt

Segítünk ha elakadt

Ügyfélbarát, udvarias, gyors reagálású és informatív segítséget kap, ha emailben kérdése lenne!

Leírás és Paraméterek

The digi scriptures of the soothsayers foretold the end of the human race. Unrestricted technological advances would wipe us out, they decreed. And so mortal fear of AI and the rise of the robots spiraled, from which a modern-day Luddite movement emerged, intent on halting technological advancement and scuppering scientific progress.

Amid the paranoia, a rebellion of progressives surfaced, known only as the Bionics. No one knew how many they numbered. Only that they were an elite corps of techno freedom fighters, feared and despised by technophobes, idolized by all Futuristas, and ultimately forced underground. Their work, their beliefs spoken of only in hushed tones, and reflected in cult status works of digital literature and artistry.

Some say this epic deck of cards was created by a Bionic to honor the bravado of the sect and express support for their cause. Its bold, unique design pays homage to those brave champions of change. The sheen of each card's surface ensures a speedy draw and smooth, swift turns, reflecting the hyperspace pace of change these heroes supported, not to mention the dexterity they required to evade capture.

Others were convinced each ultra-detailed armored chrome-fueled card design conveyed secret messages decipherable only by Bionics with the knowledge to crack the coding hidden amid the bright beacons of color and intense noir. Either way, to possess a deck was, and remains, the ultimate symbol of defiance. Each card a portal to a promised land of opportunity.

Whatever you believe, this magnificent deck pays homage to freedom fighters, past, present and future. Know that every time you slide the cards from the tuck, you are making a statement, sending a signal that spans centuries and galaxies.

Printed by the United States Playing Card Company.

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