Odd Fellow Madame Laveau the Soothsayer kártya, 1 csomag
10 990 Ft

Odd Fellow Madame Laveau the Soothsayer kártya, 1 csomag

Átlagos értékelés: Nem értékelt
Cikkszám: G10060
Elérhetőség: Várható érkezés: 1 héten belül
Legolcsóbb szállítási díj:
(ha csak ezt a terméket rendeli)
1 290 Ft
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10 990 Ft

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Stockholm17 presents unique addition to the Odd Fellow family: Madame Laveau The Soothsayer. This deck, inspired by the renowned New Orleans Voo-Doo Queen Marie Laveau, integrates her mystical practices into its design. Featuring voodoo, divination, chiromancy, and more, it's a blend of the arcane and the mystical.

Structurally, the deck mirrors a standard poker set, but with a twist: the court cards represent 12 of the 22 major arcana from the tarot, each linked to a zodiac sign and corresponding month, blending the worlds of astrology and tarot.

The deck's suits are each themed with a unique set of mystical or mysterious symbols:

  • Hearts are adorned with astronomical symbols, representing celestial bodies.
  • Diamonds feature celestial symbols, depicting spirits and angels.
  • Clubs showcase the African Nsibibi pictograms.
  • Spades are decorated with alchemical symbols, adding an esoteric touch to the deck.


  • 56 cards poker size
  • 100% custom with illustrated court cards, Jokers, Ace of Spades
  • Gold foil application on the faces (texts, symbols, and pictograms)
  • Gold foil application on the backs
  • Gilded in metallic tea green
  • Tuckbox in pearlized blue paper, 2 foils, embossing and debossing, cutouts
  • 3D lens holographic sticker mimicking the crystal ball, with reveal card
  • Wrapped in cellophane
  • Printed by WJPC

Credit: photos by Richard Arturo


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