Pink Tulip kártya, 1 csomag
8 990 Ft

Pink Tulip kártya, 1 csomag

Átlagos értékelés: Nem értékelt
Cikkszám: G9951
Elérhetőség: 1 db raktáron
500 db-os, szuper limitált kiadású, sorszámozott kártya!
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8 990 Ft

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The Dutch Card House Company are celebrating their 5th Anniversary! Over the past five years, they have released various brands and decks of playing cards. To celebrate this success, they released a new edition to the Tulip Delft Blue series

The Pink Tulip Deck is a collector's deck in the Tulip series. The custom-designed deck features pink colors with the Tulip as the centerpiece.

ONLY 500 ARE PRINTED by WJPC and all decks have a numbered seal.

The overall design of the back of the Pink Tulip has the same eye-catching tulips with floral details, placed with ornamentals as seen in the previous editions.

Inside, the faces and numbers spark familiarity and feature customized pips and a font inspired by the old Dutch writing style. In this edition, they have also added a numeric pointer below the pips to make every card even more unique. Every Ace in the Tulip Playing Cards series is a crown jewel, ready to steal the show while playing, shuffling, or dealing!

There are 4 Jokers in each deck are designed with the famous Dutch historical architecture in mind. They showcase the artwork of the lovely Amsterdam canal houses, the renowned Dutch mills, and bicycles.

The deck is packaged in a matte paper stock tuck box with rich tulip details embossed at the tuck backs.


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