Ultimate Deck (Stranger and Stranger Edition) kártya
11 990 Ft

Ultimate Deck (Stranger and Stranger Edition) kártya

Gyártó: The United States Playing Card Company The United States Playing Card Company
Átlagos értékelés: (2)
Cikkszám: G9382
Elérhetőség: Átmenetileg nem beszerezhető
Legolcsóbb szállítási díj:
(ha csak ezt a terméket rendeli)
1 290 Ft
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11 990 Ft

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Leírás és Paraméterek

Az eredeti, angol nyelvű leírás:

The ULTIMATE DECK is a one-of-a-kind, luxury deck of playing cards showcasing stunning works of art on every card. Produced in collaboration with award-winning design firm, Stranger & Stranger.

Every single card in the Ultimate Deck is represented with a unique story, incorporating classical art, as well as works from todays leading illustrators.

"The Ultimate Deck was an ambitious project over a year in the making, and is a landmark achievement for playing cards. There is nothing else like it."

The Ultimate Deck features 54 unique works of art, and an elaborate back design. Packaged in a gorgeous tuck-case of extraordinary detail featuring embossed elements and foil accents. On the sides of the tuck-case the phrases, "The Marvel of The Odd Minded Await", and "Relish The Experience of The Bewildered" are written.

Each deck is carefully packaged and sealed with a vintage-inspired tax stamp.

Printed at The United States Playing Card Company using their finest, premium card stock for everlasting oohs and aahs.


2 értékelés
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